© 2024 Purple Clinic
Your Visit to Purple Clinic
Be empowered 💪 and ready for what’s next.
Welcome to a safe space to be seen, heard, and cared for.
From the moment you step foot in one of our clinics; we have your back. We want you to know you’re loved and welcomed. Let’s turn your questions into confidence together.
What to expect:
1. Arrive + Relax
We’ll greet you, offer a place to relax, and a drink while you wait. Clinics can be stressful, but we want you to be relaxed. When you’re comfortable, it’s easier to think clearly.
2. Pregnancy Test
After meeting your nurse, you’ll provide a urine sample for a quick medical-grade pregnancy test. This is the first step before an abortion or any other plan.
3. Nurse Assessment
We’ll share the pregnancy test results with you in person + discuss your health history, support network, and next steps. Feel free to ask questions or share personal details.
4. STI Testing
We’ll see if STI testing is needed based on your health. Testing is quick + we’ll share results with you privately. It’s important before an abortion as STIs can affect your reproductive health.
5. Ultrasound
If your pregnancy test is positive, your nurse will offer a quick ultrasound to check viability and determine how far along you are, guiding your abortion options.
6. Nurse Consult
We’ll discuss your ultrasound + go over abortion options. Purple Clinic doesn’t perform or refer for abortions – we provide a neutral, safe space where you can get information + make your own decisions.